The New Testament was written in Greek. The Greek word for faith means to be convicted by the spoken word of God. According to that definition if a person was never shown any verse where God was directly speaking they would have no ability to have faith. Some people try to present that having faith in a higher divine power is enough. The Devil also knows there is a divine higher power and that does not save him. The true way to have faith is to rely on the things God has said.

The word belief means to rely on the spoken word of God. Often words in different languages have slightly different meanings or do not exist. When the Bible was first translated into German there was no word in German with the same definition as the word “faith”. The word faith was translated into two words, “the belief,” because faith is made up of a collection of beliefs. In English, we have the word faith, but it does not imply the source of the belief comes from something God has said. This can lead people to come out with beliefs outside the scope of what God has said.

Christ came to save people from themselves. Imagine having the opportunity to listen to the Bible for 3 hours a day. The New Testament can be completed in one week and the Old Testament in two weeks. The book, “The Christian Test: The Stories Behind 7 Gospel Words from the Bible” was inspired by repeatedly listening to the Bible.

It is time to be shown how many truths God has directly spoken in the Bible. People hear many stories about people from the Bible. It is time to hear the stories and truths that God directly tells. It is time to know enough about what God has said to go back to the true definition of faith where if God says it, it is true. A new and better world where God includes you in a promise is waiting. Read the book to see what verses in the Bible show God speaking and take The Christian Test before it is too late.

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